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Little drops of water, little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land. Little deeds of kindness, little words of love, Help to make earth happy like the heaven above.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Accounting class!

I made a big decision now adays. I intend to change my economic class to accounting class, so I joined the accounting class to have a try and I felt not so bad.^0^ Actually I was so worried about it because Mr chris said I will be totally confused = =. Yes, of course I was cunfused in the class but NOT TOTALLY~ This is a quite good news for me because I could get a little bit confidence and hopes from it >_<. There are so many things of accounting that I haven't learned before, so this may be a big problem, but I think I have to give me a chance to challenge myself and struggle for my study.

So, goodbye Economic~~~~^^ But there may be a big big change on my timetable,,= =

Rebecca adn Robin~~I will miss ur guys! >0<


Shazmin said...

You will be fine. I and others will look after you. Any problems email me:

ruobing said...

you had typing mistake........
hehe...that`s OK.
if you like it,then just go for it