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Little drops of water, little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land. Little deeds of kindness, little words of love, Help to make earth happy like the heaven above.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A million dollar blogger

I have listened this prodcast today,,,..It is really amazing!,,It sounds that it is not so difficult to in pocket..But, actually there are many works to do, to create a blog is easy but to make it attracts a lot of viewers is hard..So, having a "blog coach" is important, it is a good choice!~ ^^( If you do your blog as a business.)

As Alborz said:" You shouldn’t worry yourself about anything except producing decentcontent. The SEO is obviously important. You need to have decent, basic understanding of how to do it. Don’t come up with fancy names for the title of thepost which mean nothing to anyone looking for whatever you are writing about.Basic things you follow, but apart from that, the key is just to write good contentand I think that’s what’s really important."

And this procast is a really good advertisment for the E-commerce site(http://www.blogmastermind.com/coaching/)

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