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Little drops of water, little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land. Little deeds of kindness, little words of love, Help to make earth happy like the heaven above.

Monday, January 19, 2009

How to keep Generation Y motivated

First I have to understand what is Generation Y,
After going to the website, konwing that, generation Y is those were born between 1977 and 1994, Gen Y makes up over 20% of today’s population and they are rapidly becoming a hot commodity in the work force.
What do they want to gain from their jobs and bosses?
How do pay and benefits affect their loyalty?
What motivates them at work?
How important is it to keep their job?

Carolyn Douglas CEO said:
  • Creating a warm, fun, friendly environment to work in
  • Socializing with my employees
  • Rewarding them for performance
  • Providing flex time as long as the work gets done
  • Giving them a voice that is heard and valued
  • Opportunity for mentoring others
  • Sharing in the company success

In the procast I heard many odiums of generation Y from the female, I think she must be a generation X !! = =


lauwani said...

really nice picture*v*
the one who besides u are really so thin,hahahahahaha : )

Mr.Lex said...

You look better when u're crazy!....Kekekekekekekeke...

chris sivewright said...

what can you not find?