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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

solution 7:End Britain Oil Addiction

The problem of oil is being more and more discussed. As a limited resource, oil is now becoming exhausted, and the price of oil is absolutely becomes more and more expensive at this moment. Also, many serious conflicts happen because of the oil dependency, especially in the Middle East. We konw how important the oil is to every single person.

I saw a sentence from the article said:" If you can run onw coutry without oil, you can run the world without oil. If you can do it with cae technologies, it could happen in 15 years." I agree with idea because our technology skills are improved quite a lot and you can't imagine how fast the speed of that imprvement. So, it is very possible to have cars which don't need oil in few years later. That means people don't need to spend so much money on oil, and the cars whithout oil will be sold like hot cakes! That also means a big number of profit! The pollution is also a very bad effect on society, such as global warming, and many people now are tring to figure out the best subtitude of oil, like electric-cars.

The UK is a big industrial coutry, it needs oil every second, it is impossible to stop it using oil, and to reduce the demand of oil must be difficult and it will be a huge cost. Tax may be higher and citizen's welfare may be suffered because the UK government is investing to reducing the demand of oil.

However, it is good to find out the substitudes to replay oil, no one dosen't want to live in a beautiful and green environment. But we should pay the cost of pollution, those troubles we meet while reducing the oil addiction are the cost.


chris sivewright said...


The English here is very poor.

Make corrections and then re-post!

Why did you miss class today?

chris sivewright said...

Ask yourself two questions.

1. How many people doing Business Studies are retaking modules because they didn't get a grade A in the summer?

2. Do you do a DAILY BLOG?